If your family has already experienced the plague of head lice spreading through your child’s classroom, and then your own home, you know you wished there had been a better way to get rid of it. Maybe you didn’t know who to call, or what kind of treatment would actually be effective. Like most parents you talked to other parents and trolled the Internet in search of answers, knowing that with each moment the lice went untreated they were multiplying.

No matter how vigilant you are as a parent, when head lice hits your child’s classroom, sports team or peer group, it’s almost impossible to keep your child lice free without a full quarantine. Then there’s the endless wondering if he or she already has lice. Maybe the whole house has lice and you don’t even know it. The anxiety starts to mount.

What if there were a way to get a quick professional opinion that would let you know for sure? What if you could have your own personal lice service in your back pocket, just ready to perform a screening when you started to suspect one of your children had been exposed? And then, if head lice were found, full treatment could be performed immediately…free of charge.

Is this a parent’s dream come true? Lice Troopers Lice Free Membership is the parenting hack you’ve been looking for. With one affordable, annual fee you have Lice Troopers on-call for your family. With this lice insurance plan, you receive up to three screenings per year and if head lice are found, your treatment is free. No more hassle, no more anxiety.

To learn more about how to make it a lice free school year with Lice Troopers, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit the Lice Troopers website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE.

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About Lice Troopers

Lice Troopers is the pesticide free, guaranteed Head Lice Removal Service™ that manually removes the head louse parasite safely and discreetly in our child-friendly salon setting or other chosen location. Providing safe solutions for frantic families, our team has successfully treated thousands of families nationwide. Our services are widely recommended by pediatricians and are reimbursed by many major health insurance carriers, flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts. We also provides a 100% treatment guarantee. Get lice free today with Lice Troopers.

Jennie Harel, President