So you’ve discovered that your child has a case of head lice and now you’re trying to decide what to do about it. You’re pretty sure there are some treatments at the drugstore and you’ve heard people mention mayonnaise or olive oil or some other way to cure the problem at home. So if there’s a way to take care of the problem yourself, why do you need a professional lice removal service? Here’s why: It’s Pesticide Free At Lice Troopers, we’re committed to an pesticide free method of removal that is completely non-toxic, free of all chemicals and safe for children of all ages. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of drugstore treatments, which are filled with pesticides intended to kill the bugs and their nits. These treatments, though harsh, have proved ineffective in the battle against this parasite. They also carry dangerous potential side effects such as chemical burns and seizures. Professional services recognize how strong these bugs have become. Therefore we don’t attempt to kill them, we remove them. We don’t stop until every one is gone. Treatment is not only gentle and pain free, it’s proven effective. Save Time When you factor in the time it takes to go back and forth to the drugstore, or to search the internet for a natural remedy, to apply, comb, wash, chase down your child and repeat the process, possibly several times, you are looking at several valuable hours wasted. Then the bugs will be back, and the process starts all over again. Quite honestly, your family is busy and you don’t have time for this. A professional treatment, on the other hand, is as easy as picking up the phone or visiting our website. You get your appointment the very same day and treatment takes about an hour. For added convenience, we even offer house calls. You simply cannot get rid of lice faster! No Hassle, No Stress Trying to beat the bugs on your own is not only time consuming, it can drive you crazy as you hunt and peck for every possible bug or nit, endlessly applying treatments, fighting your kids who just want to be left alone and then even starting to feel the creepy crawlies on your own scalp. This is an anxiety you just don’t need. With Lice Troopers, you sit back and have a cup of coffee while our professionals handle the work. An hour later, you walk out lice free and the infestation is soon a distant memory. It doesn’t get any easier than this. It’s Guaranteed You can try treatment after treatment, but each one is just another shot in the dark as there is not one drugstore treatment or home remedy that is guaranteed to take care of the problem once and for all. When investing time and money in the health and wellbeing of your children, isn’t it better to have a guarantee of safety and effectiveness? With our service, each member of the household gets their own Lice Free Guarantee. Our confidence in our work means peace of mind for you—no more infestation. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE. Our Miami treatment center locations are here to serve you: Bay Harbor Lice Treatment Center, 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212, Bay Harbor Island, FL 33154 Coral Gables Lice Treatment Clinic, 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33154 Hollywood Treatment Center, 5735 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, FL 33021 (Coming soon!!)