When the head louse parasite hits a household, the first thing parents want to know is how to get rid of it…fast. Ask around and you’ll commonly hear recommendations for over the counter lice treatment products such as Nix or Rid; even doctors continue to endorse these products. However recent scientific research, as well as a survey of the current drugstore offerings by Consumer Reports shows that these pesticide-based removal solutions aren’t really the solutions they claim to be. As Consumer Reports found, the majority of the effectiveness claims, though boldly plastered across the box, were either unsubstantiated, or were accompanied by a disclaimer in fine print. Why don’t they work? The louse and its eggs, also known as nits, are notoriously hardy creatures. They are unfazed by most chemicals, as well as the well-known home remedies. Over the past several decades, in response to harsher and more potent pesticide treatments, head lice have become increasingly resistant. The pesticides that took care of the problem fifty years ago are no longer effective. Bugs and nits are left behind and the infestation re-launches, stronger than before. So the scientists went back to the lab to find a yet stronger pesticide, but the bugs have defeated these as well. Thus the products are no longer effective in the fight against an infestation. However many people, doctors included, who are looking for a quick fix or who are unaware of better treatment options, continue to recommend these products. As you can imagine, these increasingly toxic chemicals may not be something you want to slather over your young child’s scalp. Many of the long term effects of these treatments have not yet been discovered, but known side effects can include chemical burns, seizures and even death. Happily, there is an easier, faster and much safer way. At Lice Troopers our treatment is 100% pesticide free. But if these parasites are so strong, how can an pesticide free treatment possibly be effective in killing off the infestation? The answer is that we don’t kill the bugs, we remove them. No product—natural or chemical—can effectively and reliably kill this bug. The wiser approach is to skillfully and thoroughly remove each and every one. And this is exactly what our expert technicians are trained to do. In about an hour, they carefully, gently and meticulously comb through your child’s hair to make sure all traces of the infestation are gone. We’re so confident in the work we do, we even guarantee it. Don’t waste time and money trying to kill the bugs—our removal is safe, effective and hassle free. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE. We now have two Miami treatment center locations to serve you: Bay Harbor Lice Treatment Center, 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212, Bay Harbor Island, FL 33154 Coral Gables Lice Treatment Clinic, 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33154