Here’s What to Do if Your Child Contracts Head Lice

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 6 to 12 million lice infestations take place every year. Among these, it is children between the ages of 3 to 11 who are most affected. There have been further studies that suggest that young girls are more prone and vulnerable to head lice than boys; this is due to frequent contact and typically longer hair. At school, kids play, eat and study together. If one or more of your child’s peers are suffering from head lice, it is very likely that the infestation may find its way into your home too. So what do you do if you find out that your child has contracted head lice?

Book an Appointment with Lice Troopers

Lice Troopers is a physician-recommended and certified clinic for eradicating lice infestations. Our staff is well trained and congenial, because creating a happy experience for toddlers and kids is our priority. Whether you want an in-house treatment or an at-clinic treatment, we make sure you are well cared for and comfortable with the services provided. Once your child is treated at Lice Troopers, we issue a Lice Free certificate, which you can present at school to verify that the treatment has been conducted and your child is now lice-free.

Home Inspection Services

Head lice are most commonly transmitted via contact. However, they also travel on furniture like sofas, bedsand personal belongings. It is best to call for a house inspection once you find out your child has beeninfested with head lice. Though head lice can’t survive beyond their natural habitat, which is the human scalp, their eggs (nits) can withstand severe conditions. This is why it is important for you to call in an inspection team from Lice Troopers tomake sure your home is lice free, thus minimizing any chances of a relapse.

Suggest School Inspection to Administration

If you think your child has contracted head lice from school, suggest that the school administration organize athorough screening and inspection to prevent further lice epidemics and so that familiesdon’t have to face the same situation over and over again. At Lice Troopers, we offer treatments such as pesticide free lice removal lotion, specialty lice combs, and pesticide free head lice prevention spray, which work together to combat head lice and remove them in one sitting. We also offer completely anonymous professional services, so you can get rid of this pesky and embarrassing situation quickly and thoroughly. For more information or to schedule your appointment, contact us by calling 1.800.403.5423. We love getting feedback, so send your reviews and suggestions so that we can fine-tune our services to best meet your needs!