With school just getting started in the Miami area, there’s another thing that’s about to get started as well: lice season. As soon as the kids return to school, the risk of infestation ramps up again as kids and teens are back in close contact. A rise in cases during the fall months is the natural result. However, in the Miami area, treatment and removal is a breeze. The Lice Troopers Miami lice clinic makes taking care of the head louse simple, painless and affordable. Early detection and effective treatment can stop an epidemic before it even starts. With Lice Troopers in your area, there’s no need to battle with the bugs over weeks or months. And certainly no need to experiment with endless ineffective treatments. One easy, pesticide free treatment and your child is lice free, guaranteed. Lice Troopers also partners with schools in the Miami Dade, Broward and Palm Beach areas for school wide screenings. Again, detecting these cases in classrooms or at camps allows parents to treat their children immediately to avoid unnecessary discomfort and distress, and to keep kids from passing it to others. Parents of affected children at our partner schools even receive a discount on their treatment. Lice Free Membership is yet another way we help keep families free of this pesky condition. When families sign up for membership, they have their very own treatment and removal service in their back pocket. No more anxiety as you wonder if your child may have been exposed to an infestation. If you suspect a problem, just come in for a screening. Registered members receive up to three screenings per year and if any bugs or nits are discovered, treatment is free. With Lice Troopers, you can fight back against an invasion of this common parasite and guarantee that this school year is lice free. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE. # # # About Us Lice Troopers is the pesticide free, guaranteed Head Lice Removal Service™ that manually removes the head louse parasite safely and discreetly in our child-friendly salon setting or other chosen location. Providing safe solutions for frantic families, our team has successfully treated thousands of families nationwide. Our services are widely recommended by pediatricians and are reimbursed by many major health insurance carriers, flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts. We also provides a 100% treatment guarantee. Get lice free today with Lice Troopers. Contact: Jennie Harel, President 800-403-5423