Can mayonnaise kill lice or is this just a popular myth? You’ve heard this one before—smear a jarful of mayonnaise on your child’s head, pop on a shower cap and let it do its magic overnight. The idea behind this remedy is that the high fat content of the mayo will choke out the bugs and their nits, leaving them all dead in the morning. It seems believable enough, however, unfortunately mayonnaise, as well as other pantry goods, just can’t kill these persistent pests. What you have is a smelly mess and a head that’s still full of the head louse parasite. And what child wants their head covered in mayonnaise? We can sympathize with wanting an pesticide free option for treating and removing this pest. In fact, the Lice Troopers method is completely free of the toxins you find in the traditional grocery store treatments. It’s safe for children of all ages and environmentally friendly. Even better, you can skip the mayo trick. Rather than attempting to kill or smother these bugs (they’re just too resilient), we focus on removing them. Using time-tested nitpicking methods, we manually remove every single bug and nit guaranteeing that your child is 100% lice free. No hassle, no mess, no smelly, greasy treatment. In just an hour, the nightmare of the head louse parasite is over and you’re back to regular life. When it comes to removing this pest, pesticide free is the way to go, but make sure it is an pesticide free treatment that is also proven to work. If your child has been exposed to an infestation, our chemical-free treatment I what you’re looking for. Save the condiments for cooking and let our expertly trained technicians handle the job. We’re here to handle your case the very same day—there’s no need to wait while the infestation only multiplies. Come to our clinic, or schedule a house call and let our experts come to you! For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE. We now have two Miami treatment center locations to serve you: Bay Harbor Lice Treatment Center, 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212, Bay Harbor Island, FL 33154 Coral Gables Lice Treatment Clinic, 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33154