Head lice strike panic and frenzy into even the calmest parents, but we’re here to tell you that this condition doesn’t need to be the nightmare plague everyone makes it out to be. Treating the problem is simple and easy…if you do it the right way the first time.

But parents, frantic to figure out how to get rid of lice, run for the Internet forums and begin searching for the miracle treatment that’s going to get rid of the bugs. Some say mayonnaise or other pantry products, while some parents claim that the harsh drugstore pesticide treatments are the only way to go. So the parent tries one method and that fails, and then another and that fails, and in the meantime the infestation is only growing and maybe one or two other members of the household are starting to scratch their heads as well. Now the parents start to panic wondering how they’re ever going to get rid of this menace.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way! Yes, the head louse parasite is a pesky creature, and it doesn’t go away easily, but the right treatment will get rid of the problem for good—on the first try. What’s the secret? No secret, just one simple, pesticide free treatment by Lice Troopers trusted removal specialists.

No harsh chemicals or dangerous pesticides required, no more failed attempts with every condiment your pantry has to offer, no more running to the drugstore for one more treatment that probably won’t work anyways. With our company, treatment is safe and effective and guaranteed after just one appointment.

So if you find yourself with a case of bugs and nits in your household, don’t let a nuisance turn into a nightmare. Cal us for the simple, pesticide free treatment that leaves your family lice free, guaranteed.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE.

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About Us

Lice Troopers is the pesticide free, guaranteed Head Lice Removal Service™ that manually removes the head louse parasite safely and discreetly in our child-friendly salon setting or other chosen location. Providing safe solutions for frantic families, our team has successfully treated thousands of families nationwide. Our services are widely recommended by pediatricians and are reimbursed by many major health insurance carriers, flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts. We also provides a 100% treatment guarantee. Get lice free today with Lice Troopers.


Jennie Harel, President
