Each year between six and twelve million individuals will deal with an infestation of head lice. While our main business is getting rid of the head louse parasite and its nits, we like to educate families on how to stop an infestation before it even starts. With a few lice prevention tips you can help avoid this common condition.


Prevention begins with understanding a little more about this bug and how it operates. The head louse is a parasite that lives on the head of a human host. In order to survive it must have a food source to feed off of. For this species, that means human blood, which the bug accesses by biting into the scalp of its host. When the louse comes in contact with a strand of human hair, it gradually works its way up the shaft to the scalp, where it will have a constant source of sustenance. The louse will then proceed to lay its eggs (also known as nits) in order to keep the infestation multiplying.


The bugs and their nits do not jump or fly—they pass only through contact. Thus prevention methods that work are focused on avoiding head to head contact or minimizing contact with items that touch the hair. Hair brushes, combs, hair accessories, hats, coats and scarves can all be vehicles for this bug and its nits. Thus the sharing these items should be avoided.


The parasite is also more likely to attach to strands of hair hanging loose, thus pulling long hair into a ponytail, braids or a bun can also help minimize risk. Some parents have also found that putting gel into their child’s hair prevents the louse from attaching.


Another home prevention tip is to mix a solution of garlic and water in a spray bottle and then to spritz the child’s hair before sending him or her to school or anywhere that head to head contact may occur such as sports practice, summer camp, sleepovers, etc. While the odor will soon be unnoticeable to other humans, it will continue to repel the bugs for hours.


These simple prevention measures can help protect your family from an infestation, but should this condition befall your household, contact Lice Troopers for treatment and removal that is always safe, effective and pesticide free.


For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: www.LiceTroopers.com or call 1-800-403-LICE.


We now have two Miami treatment center locations to serve you:


Bay Harbor Lice Treatment Center, 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212, Bay Harbor Island, FL


33154 Coral Gables Lice Treatment Clinic, 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33154