Head Lice Symptoms You Need To Take Seriously

Have you been caught in the trap of believing that no itching means no head lice? It seems sensible, but it may not be true.  One of the most widespread and commonly known tell-tale symptoms associated with head lice is itching, but the fact is that not everyone will experience this symptom of head lice infestation. There have been numerous cases in which people suffering from a significant lice infestation don’t show any of the common symptoms of head lice. By the same token,people with a mild case may itch a lot. Whether your infestation will be itchy or not purely depends upon your sensitivity to the lice bites.

When The Head Lice Invade Your Head …

When you’re invaded by head lice the bugs are immediately looking for a place to feed. As parasites, they survive by feeding on the blood from your scalp. These critters feed multiple times a day and similar to a mosquito bite, they can also leave bite spots on the scalp.However, ifa person is allergic to these bites, they won’t be able to stop scratching their heads in an attempt to alleviate the irritation. This constant itching inflames the bites and the head turns even itchier. In some cases, the victim is not sensitive to the head lice bites at all and will demonstrate no symptoms of head lice infestation. In these cases, the infested person may have nits and lice in the hair for several weeks undetected.

Head Lice in Children

When head lice end up on a child’s head, there may be very few indicators or symptoms. As head lice multiply and the bites become more rampant, the child will feel itchiness on the head, at the back of the ears and around the neck. Mothers often feel responsible for not detecting the lice until the infestation is advanced. But at Lice Troopers we set the parent’s mind at rest—it’s easy to miss the infestation because the symptoms often aren’t obvious. Other symptoms of head lice are trickier to distinguish. A child suffering from head lice infestation will have sesame seed sized nits (eggs)throughout the hair. These nits or eggs are semi-transparent and are round on one surface and pointed on the other. They are attached to the hair and must be drawn off as they do not come off easily.  Every nit must be detached from the hair or you will not be able to get rid of head lice completely.Nits tend to camouflage in the hair so it may be troublesome to find all of them when getting rid of lice. That being said, finding lice bugs in the hair is equally difficult. The lice move rapidly when the hair is moved and they avoid the light. If you think that that the mission of getting rid of head lice is overwhelming or if you are uncertain that your child has lice, the best solution is to make an appointment at Lice Troopers. Our treatments are proven and 100% guaranteed and our pesticide free method and fully equipped lice treatment center keep our satisfied customers coming back.