Four Things You Didn’t Know About Head Lice

You see your little daughter scratching her head but pay little attention. You catch her doing it another time and start to wonder, could it be? Head lice are nothing uncommon, in fact the majority of children will get them at least once.Nonetheless, there is still a lot about the evasive head louse that is unknown. Are these pesky bugs something to panic over for parents? Moreover, what is the right way to remove head lice and nits (lice eggs) once and for all?

Head Lice Are Nothing New

Due to the recent hysteria in schools regarding head lice and ‘No Nit’ policies suddenly springing up, it’s easy to think that the phenomena is something new.However, thisisn’t so. Head lice have been around since practically the dawn of time! In fact, mummies have been excavated that show evidence of having had head lice and archeologists have even found louse combs dating back thousands of years.

Head Lice Don’t Pose a Significant Health Risk

Other than an itchy scalp (an allergic reaction to the saliva of the parasite), head lice don’t cause any significant health risks that we know of. As opposed to ticks, a head louse doesn’t tend to transmit disease or cause infection.So, why do people run a mile away from anyone who even so much as scratches their head? Elizabeth Cofino, the resident lice expert of Lice Troopers believes that it is the terrible social stigma attached to having lice that is the main reason for this aversion.

Non-Chemical Ways to Treat LiceThere Are Non-Chemical Ways to Treat Lice

Using pesticides or over the counter lice removal shampoos, which a common treatment option, isn’t as effective as previously thought. These treatments aren’t able to kill the bugs thoroughly and are usually completely useless against nits (the eggs). When it comes to head lice treatment and removal, Lice Troopers offerstwo main services.Eithervisit their lice salon for a complete and chemical free treatment, or call the experts for an at-home treatment.

If Your Child Has Head Lice, Chances Are You Do Too

According to lice expert Jennifer Keating of Lice Troopers, nine out of ten moms get head lice too—mostly from their kids. For this reason all family members should be screened in the event that head lice is found within the household. Since lice are highly contagious and spread easily from head to head, Lice Troopers makes a point to inspect the whole family when called in for an at-home treatment. Have you got yourself inspected yet?