Head Lice – What Parents Need to Know

Every year, millions of school-going children are affected by head lice infestation. Head lice are not only a menace, they can be a source of sheer embarrassment for both children and parents. While the infestation itself does not cause any potentially harmful diseases, parents however, must still seek immediate treatment to combat head lice in order for their kids’ well-being. The following information is a comprehensive guide for parents to help them check for, treat, and prevent head lice infestation.

What Are Head Lice?

Head lice are tiny insects found on the human scalp and hair. They are different from the ticks or fleas found on animals, and cannot survive outside their habitat. They feed on tiny amounts of blood, and their bites cause itchiness and discomfort. Head lice lay eggs which are known as nits. Unlike head lice, nits are extremely resistant to external environment. Head lice live about 28 days, and can multiply quickly.

Who Gets Head Lice?

Anyone can get head lice, including adults. However, children are the most common victims of head lice infestation because of their close contact during playing and studying. It must also be noted that having head lice doesn’t mean that your child has poor hygiene habits. Head lice may seek a clean and healthy head as their habitat as well.

How Do Head Lice Spread?

Head lice can’t jump, hop, or fly. They are crawling insects that transfer themselves from one head to another as a result of prolonged close contact. Lice and nits can also spread by sharing hats, combs, and brushes from an infested individual.

What Are the Symptoms of Head Lice?

One of the most common symptoms of head lice is itching. It usually takes up to three to four weeks for head lice to show symptoms of their presence after latching on to a new habitat. Most of the time, this itching occurs around the neck and ears. However, your child may be experiencing an itchy scalp due to various other skin conditions such as dandruff, eczema, and allergy to various hair and skin products. So, it’s always recommended that, in order to be certain, a thorough lice infestation checkis conducted by a reliable lice removal clinic.

Can You Check for Lice Yourself? How Do You Do It?

If you want to run an inspection yourself first, check your child’s hair and scalp to ensure there is no lice infestation. To do so, you need to:
  • Seat your child in a brightly lit room
  • Part the hair and look at your child’s scalp
  • Look for crawling lice and for nits
Live lice are hard to find. They avoid light and move quickly.Nits are harder to spot than head lice due to their minuscule size and ability to adapt the hair’s coloration. If you think you are confusing something else, such as dandruff, with nits, seek an expert service to solve your problem. At Lice Troopers, we have a comprehensive system of inspections both at home and in school to aid you in keeping your child’s scalp clean, healthy and lice free.

How Do You Treat Head Lice?

There are various methods of treating head lice. However, not all of them are effective. Many people resort to home remedies, such as applying mayonnaise and petroleum jelly to hair to get rid of head lice. These methods are ineffective because they do nothing to get rid of nits. Also, these methods can be messy and leave a greasy appearance even after several washes. Over-the-counter products are another way people try to treat head lice infestation. Unfortunately these products are ineffective in treating an infestation, and can have severe side effects. From irritating and drying the skin to impacting the nervous system, there are a myriad of side effects that you want to avoid. This is why going for professional lice removal services is the best decision you can make when it comes to finding an effective and permanent solution to head lice. Simple call us to book an appointment at 1.800.403.5423.