The Many Complications of Head lice

If you’re a parent of young children, you are no doubt familiar with head lice. If you haven’t had them in your home, you’ve head the rumors and felt the panic. As you probably know, lice are common parasitic insects that spread from one person to another. They live on the head, and feed on blood in the scalp, while laying their eggs (nits) along the hair shaft. The unfortunate thing is that lice are highly contagious and they do not go away on their own. They must be eradicated. Left untreated, an infestation may lead to these complications:

Itchy Scalp

While lice aren’t dangerous and do not spread disease, the louse bites with its needle-like mouth to find the blood it needs for survival. These bites irritate, and may even inflame the skin and an allergic reaction may occur which will cause the scalp to itch intensely.However, it is important to note that itching may not occur for the first 3-4 weeks, which makes it difficult to identify lice infestation based on this symptom. If you believe you or your children have been exposed, contact Aa professional lice removalclinic for a thorough screening.


Severe itching, especially behind the ears or on the back of the neck may cause an infection. As scratching persists, fingernails may break the skin and a bacterial infection may develop. In extreme cases, small red bumps form, ooze and become crusty. This puts the lice infestation sufferer at a greater risk of infection from open sores. It becomes extremely difficult to treat head lice as well as an infection in such a case. Thus, it is essential that preventive measures are taken and professional lice inspection and treatment services are sought as soon as you suspect an infestation.

Insecticide Reaction

Using insecticides for treating head lice posesa number ofrisks and is therefore not recommended. Overuse of pesticidesmake lice resistant to the productthat is being used. This may also cause a reaction in the person using the substance. Shampoos that contain lindane are extremely harmful and if used for too long may cause poisoning or seizures. Over the counter medicines contain pesticides pyrethrin or permethrin. These are safer than lindane, but may still cause reactions. This is why over the counter medicines and shampoos aren’t recommended for treating head lice. People who use them do not get rid of head lice and may even suffer adverse consequences. Prevent yourself from suffering from any of these reactions and complications of head lice infestation and get in touch with us. At Lice Troopers, we offer in-home head lice treatment, complete home inspection and cleaning, school and camp screenings and also feature a lice treatment salon. Get rid of head lice with ease and convenience!