Lice Tips 101: Types of Home Remedies to Avoidf

It’s no secret that the answer to all your hair problems is making sure your hair gets all the necessary minerals it needs. But while most people focus on styling their hair and using various masks to help it grow, they forget the importance of maintaining it and making sure it’s not the target of head lice. But lice don’t nest themselves in clean, tidy hair! That’s probably what you’re thinking. It’s true that people have this perception that lice victims only struggle because of lack of hygiene. However, there’s no basis for this. In fact, lice don’t really care. They don’t have a preference for clean hair because they’re too busy obsessing over your blood! It doesn’t matter whether your hair is short, long or clean. For head lice, their main goal is to spread around so they can get more access to blood. The first thing lice victims do when they find out they have head lice is either opt for shaving their head or looking up treatments online. But that can actually be a costly option! Home remedies can have bad effects on your hair and scalp.

Home Remedies to Avoid

It’s understandable that you’re confused and desperate because you’ve never been a target of head lice before. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and salvaging your hair is your number one priority, we understand. Most lice victims think home remedies are safer than the harsh chemicals found in OTC lice products. It’s true that they are safer than them but that doesn’t make them actually safe. Ingredients like tree tea oil, baking soda, mayonnaise, and hot oil are popular recommendations. But the truth is, there is a dark side to all of these ‘remedies’. Mixing baking soda with heaps of conditioner is a recipe for disaster. Baking soda is abrasive and therefore leaves the scalp and hair dry. Equip that with conditioner that has loads of chemicals and you get the idea. Tree tea oil is good for some types of skin but like baking soda, it has drying effects. Directly applying tree tea oil to your scalp with irritates it and you could end up with a burning scalp, not to mention dry and brittle hair! Mayonnaise is another popular recommendation. But the truth is, mayonnaise does not have any ingredients that are effective against head lice. Furthermore, mayonnaise is extremely difficult to get rid of once applied to your hair. Constant washing can leave your hair dry and brittle. Don’t make the mistake of listening to online gimmicks. Get professional help to get rid of the pesky critters in your hair. A lice removal service can effectively get rid of head lice and nits in a timely manner. We are a head lice removal service that only uses natural products to treat our clients. This is because we understand how important your hair is to you. Your concerns matter to us and we guarantee professionalism throughout the treatment! We offer in-home treatments, home inspection services, and free head lice screenings. If you want to discreetly get rid of pesky critters from your hair, feel free to ask for an in-home treatment or call us at 800-403-5423 for further information.

**We are open 7 days a week, from 8-9PM**