7 Lice Removal Tips and Lesser-Known Facts – Lice Troopers

What comes to mind when you imagine a creature that avoids the light and feeds on blood? For most people, and especially Millennials, “vampires” is the obvious answer. What many don’t realize, however, is lice are the real-life villains that display this same behavior. They creep around, unnoticed, until the victim feels an itchy or tingling sensation on the skin or hair. Thankfully, these little critters won’t be turning people into the undead. If you’re curious about these tiny insects, here are seven lesser-known facts to get you started.

The Seven Lice Removal Tips And Lesser-Known Facts

1. Lice Are Wingless That’s right: These wingless insects don’t fly on people’s heads; they crawl from one person to another via direct contact. This is why it’s so important for people with head lice to stay away from social settings until addressing the infestation. 2. Both Adults And Children Are Susceptible To Lice Many people associate head lice with in-school hair checks, but lice are just as attracted to adults as they are to children. Still, though, children ages 3 to 11 contract the most cases: up to 12 million per year. 3. Lice Infestations Do Not Result From Poor Hygiene Cleanliness has nothing to do with the spread of lice. Lice move via direct, physical contact between people, so making sure your home or body is extra clean won’t help the situation. 4. Lice Particularly Like Humans With claws designed to take a firm grip on human hair, lice were engineered to attack humans. They congregate near the scalp and live off blood, eating multiple times daily. One louse can actually live as long as one month. Few lice can live past this point, after which they die and fall from the hair. 5. People Sometimes Mistake Lice For Dandruff Lice eggs and dandruff look very similar; they are both small and appear light in color. Sometimes, this camouflage makes them particularly difficult to detect. Some confuse them with scabs or hairspray droplets, as well. Once these eggs hatch, though, the trouble begins. It takes about nine days for the nymphs to hatch, and they develop into adult lice within seven days. 6. One Common Symptom Of Head Lice Is Poor Sleep Head lice avoid the light, so at night, they’re more active. This causes itchiness that can keep people awake during late hours of the night. The tickling or itching sensation is an allergic reaction, and by scratching, people may develop irritation or sores. Be sure to remember that lice don’t just affect hair on the head, so itchiness on the eyebrows or other parts of the body is a sign of body lice. Head lice itch at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. 7. Lice Treatment Is Easy One of the more important Lice Removal Tips. There are plenty of combs, shampoos and conditioners that treat lice infestations. It’s important to make sure the products you use are safe. At Lice Troopers, we offer a number of effective, safe lice-removal products. If you’d like information about the newest lice treatment options, contact Lice Troopers at 1-800-403-5423. Lice removal can be tricky, but with the right treatment strategy, you can control breakouts from spreading.  If you know someone that may benefit from this article on the 7 Lice Removal Tips And Lesser-Known Facts please feel free to share using the social share buttons at the top of this blog post.