Hair Protecting Staples for Every Girl

Long hair may seem like a nuisance in sticky hot summer—but when it comes to seasonal adaptation, it’s quite easily your best option. From pretty, intricate fishtails to sexy Brazilian blowouts, cute and casual top-knots to sleek high pony-tails, there’s no limit to the kind of hair-do’s and looks you can create with healthy long hair. Unfortunately, many of us are unable to take advantage of our long tresses in the blistering season, simply because we don’t give our hair the TLC it needs and deserves. So, grab your pens and scrunchies, and make sure you stock up on these must-haves for summer!

1. Heat Resistant Serums

Heat protection doesn’t necessarily refer to sun block and aviators. If you’re a hair-styling queen or someone who regularly exposes her hair to flat irons, hair dryers and curlers, be sure to add heat resistant serums and sprays to your staples. Not only does this protect your hair from exposure to high temperatures, but gives it a silky shine after you’ve styled your hair for more texture and longevity.

2. Hats

Speaking of high temperatures, direct exposure to sunlight can also significantly damage your hair. Protect yourself while you’re out and about by accessorizing with a cute bohemian beach hat, or go super chic with a fedora, especially when you’re wearing a trendy jumpsuit.

3. Conditioners

Frolicking in the sun can have its disadvantages. Suppose you forgot to wear your hat to the beach or a walk in the park—now what? You may associate high temperatures with humidity and an oily scalp, but it also causes the tip of your strands to go exceptionally dry. Treat yourself to regular pesticide free hair conditioning treatments and give your hair the deep nourishment it craves throughout sweltering summer!

4. Lice Removal Products

If you live in a place that’s prone to high humidity—say, Key Biscayne or Miami Beach, you’re at a much greater risk of contracting head lice than others. Florida is no stranger to the head lice epidemic. So, if you’re really interested in protecting your hair from the wrath of summer, pay a visit to your lice doctor for regular hair screenings. Remember: head lice always attack without a warning—and the best way to fight back is to take pre-emptive action. Lice Troopers provides professional lice removal service Miami Beach, with various salons across Florida. We offer pesticide free in-home treatments to treat infestations. For more information on safe and effective removal, give us a call at 800-403-5423 today!