5 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Lice

Perhaps you are part of the few who’ve never had to deal with a lice outbreak and you want it to stay that way. Unfortunately, head lice infestations are pretty common among school-going children. So the chances of your kid contracting lice at one point are very real. Head lice are pretty much everywhere and if you want to protect your kid from lice, you need to be very proactive. While the focus often tends to shift toward treating head lice, it’s more important to know how to protect yourself from head lice in the first place. Make sure you’re teaching your kids how to protect themselves from catching lice. Below are a few guidelines to help you out.

1. Sharing Isn’t Always Caring

While sharing is definitely caring, it’s better to be careful when it comes to lice. With lice, there are some things that your child should not share with other kids. Lice can stay alive on items for a couple of days. That means, if your kid shares their hairbrush or lends their hat to another kid who may have lice, chances are they’ll get it too. Make sure your child knows the importance of not sharing particular personal items, like hairbrushes, coats, hats, etc.

2.Do Regular Checks for Lice

While looking for lice may not be your favorite thing to do, prevention is better than implementing a cure. Conduct head checks at regular intervals to make sure that your kid is not bringing over unwanted guests from school. In case they have gotten lice, the sooner you catch them, the easier it is to get rid of them.

3.Wash Personal Belongings Often

Anything that comes in close contact with your child’s head should be washed regularly. This includes clothing items, bed sheets, pillow cases, sleeping bags, hats, brushes, etc. If your kid is having a sleepover at a friend’s house, make sure everyone brings their own pillows and sleeping bags.

4.Keep Long Hair Tied Up

Long tresses are especially attractive to hungry lice. If you leave your kid’s long hair open, it’ll be very easy for lice to catch on to the strands. The best thing to do is to tie your kid’s hair up in a bun or in a braid.

5.Educate Your Child

It’s important that your kid knows what lice are and how they can spread from head to head. The more your child is aware of how it all works the more likely are they to be vigilant and protect themselves from a head lice infestation.

 About Lice Troopers

Are you in search of professional lice removal services in Pembroke Pines? Visit our lice clinic for a speedy solution. Our pesticide free lice treatment services will make you lice-free in no time!