Protecting Your Child from Head Lice Infestations at School

Every parent dreads their children getting head lice. While it is not a very serious condition, it still carries a stigma.School is one of those places where the risk of obtaining it is very high. Lice infestations can cause a host of bacterial and contagious skin infections and can also subject your child to emotional abuse by other children at school. This can affect your child’s ability to perform well at school and your child will most likely be asked not to resume classes until head lice are removed. This is why it is absolutely essential for you to make sure that your child stays free of the condition and the worries.Learning what steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

How to spot a head lice problem in your child

To find out if your child has head lice, look for two key symptoms: constant itching and a crawling feeling on your child’s scalp. If your child complains of these two symptoms, the chances that your child is affected are high, so it is time for a professional screening.

Teach your child about how to prevent a head lice infestation

When your child is at school, there is little you can do from either work or home. The best defense is to help your child to be responsible by teaching him or her the ways of protecting oneself from head lice. You could also educate them about how lice infestations spread from person to person via sharing items. Teach your child not to use someone else’s hat, brush, comb, or scarf and to avoid head-to-head contact whenever possible.

Meet with your child’s school teacher or principal

It might also be necessary for you to take this matter straight to your child’s teacher or school principal. When an outbreak hits a school, absenteeism results, as many children will not be admitted to class if it is known that they have lice. This is why it is crucial that schools have a dedicated framework of rules and policies to ensure they regularly have their students’ hair checked by specialists via screening sessions at schools.As a parent, you can enquire what educational activities the school has planned to help raise awareness about lice infestations. Please call us today to find out more about how to get rid of lice,orif you have any further questions about professional lice removal services.