How To Detect Head Lice On Your Child – Lice Troopers Blog

Symptoms and Detection of Head Lice

It’s not something we like to think about, but lice can easily spread throughout a home or school. To prevent major outbreaks, it’s necessary to notice the signs of a lice infestation and to learn how to detect head lice.

The most common symptom is an itching sensation. Much like mosquitoes, they bite and cause an itchy allergic reaction. Many times, if the infestation is minimal, it may take a long time for the itchy sensation to occur. It can take up to six weeks for this symptom to appear, leaving plenty of time for the head louse parasites and nits (eggs) to spread and infest the host's scalp and hair.

Other symptoms include a tickling feeling or movement in the hair or on the body, as well as sores and red bumps appearing on the head, neck and shoulders. The eggs, or nits, are visible on the scalp and in the hair, yet difficult to comb out and the nits are sometimes easily mistaken for dandruff.

If your child has an itchy scalp, it can be difficult to discern whether the symptoms result from lice, dandruff, eczema or an allergic reaction, but one of our company professionals can help identify the root cause.

To learn more about how to detect head lice, prevention, and removal, contact Lice Troopers today at 1-800-403-5423. Our screening services include the option of you coming to us in our treatment salon clinic in South Florida or we can come to you and offer house calls as a convenience. We provide discreet expedient service.