Why School Screening Is Important for Your Child’s Scalp Health

Schools and nurseries are places where your child spends most of their time. They learn how to interact with people and form connections with them by mingling with other students and participating in activities with them. If any one of your child’s classmates is infested with lice, your child is at the risk of contracting it. This is why school screening is necessary, because it ensures a safe and hygienic environment for your child.

It stops Re-infestation

If your child has been fell victim of an infestation recently, it is best to keep them in a strictly lice free zone. School screening can be helpful here, as it notifies the teachers, who in turn notify the parents about their child’s scalp health status and aids in the process of getting rid of head lice.

It Promotes a Hygienic Environment

Hygiene is one of the basic principles taught in schools and practiced at homes. Though head lice are completely benign and don’t cause any serious health issues, they are highly irritable and a literal headache for parents. So a school screening will ensure regular monitoring of children’s scalps which will guarantee itch free and lice free scalps.

It is better for your Child’s Wellbeing

Collective wellbeing of children is immensely important in their growth, and parents go to all lengths and breadths to make sure their children are getting the best. An itchy scalp due to head lice can promote rashes, which in turn may develop into infections. This can prove to be a serious setback in your child’s progress, as it is not possible to perform tasks up to the mark and with devoted concentration with an irritable scalp. A school screening will make sure that all students are lice free, and that appropriate action is taken for ones who are unfortunately infested with head lice. Lice Troopers is a lice treatment salon providing services in South Florida. We provide in-home lice treatment as well as home inspection services. Our outreach is in numerous regions through clinics, reaching Miami and its surrounding areas. Lice Troopers is the number one head lice removal service, treating clients with our pesticide free products, and helping them get lice free in just one appointment! Go through our website to find out more.