Some FAQs about Effective Lice Treatment

We all know what head lice are. These tiny insects sucking our blood and surviving on our scalp are actually called Pediculus human uscapitis. Elementary and preschool-age children and their families are at greatest risk for getting head lice. Girls also tend to get head lice more frequently than boys –because girls usually have longer hair. Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions to understand effective lice treatment better.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know if my child has head lice?
Sometimes, parents mistakenly consider other symptoms as head lice. Insects like aphids (which usually get into our hair in windy days), fuzz and even dandruff can be mistaken as head lice. Picky parents usually take their children to the pediatrician to get it treated. The following are some foolproof signsto ensure head lice infestation:
  1. Constant scratching on the scalp.
  2. Pink rashes on the neck and behind ears. These often look like an allergic reaction.
  3. The sight of the elusive tiny brown bugs.
  4. Nits (lice eggs) near the roots of the hair. These are glued to the hair and cannot be brushed off easily.
  • What products can effectively help in the removal of head lice completely?
You cannot rely on prescription or over-the-counter treatments to get rid of lice and nits completely. Also, these methods are not scientifically proven or safe to be used for 100% effective treatment. Since most of these products contain harmful pesticides, they can actually be bad for your kid’s scalp health and hair. Moreover, the infestation does not stopand the nits and head lice keep coming back. There are a number of natural remedies available on the internetthat claim safety and efficacy of head lice treatment. However, these remedies also do not have any scientific basis. The mosteffective treatment is to manually remove nits and lice from hair. This is a crucial component of lice treatment that should be carried out on a regular basis.
  • Are lice shampoos harmful for scalp and hair health?
While the FDA only approves products that are considered safe after the testing, weare all individuals and have unique vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is important to consider these factors before taking up any treatment. On the other hand, NPA warns against the usage of shampoos that are designed to kill head lice because of the chemicals present in them. This is especially true for people who already have any pre-existing allergies or illnesses. This includes but is not limited to kids and adults with brain tumors epilepsy, asthma as well as serious illnesses like AIDS and cancer. Lice killing shampoos can also be potentially hazardous for people on medication, nursing mothers, pregnant women, and can have damagingside effects. Keeping these factors in mind, it is advised that anti-lice shampoos should not be used.
  • Can pets be the reason behind children having head lice?
Cats and dogs do not spread or harbor human head lice. They may be the reason behind fleas and ticks but head lice, no! Therefore, stop torturing your fluffy friends with potentially harmful and unnecessary treatmentsbecause you suspect they are the reason behind head lice. For other animals, you might want to check manually before starting any treatment.
  • Can head lice live on the pillows and in the bedding? What about hairbrushes and hats?
Our scalp is the host for lice to survive. They cannot live more than one day if they are removed from the scalp. Lice that are removed from the hair and scalp are likely to die naturally within 6-26 hours. While a healthy louse will never leave a scalp on its own, ones that are found on combs, hats, or other headgear are likely to be dead or injured. However, it is important to clean the house for a lice-free environment.
  • How do head lice grow and spread?
Head lice grow as they lay eggs (nits), which eventually become lice if not taken out in time. Also, they can spread if they come in direct contact with the hair or head with an infested individual. Personal articles like hair ties, helmets, brushes, towels and hats are also the transfer medium for lice to spread to other heads. Lice can also spread via a headrest, a pillow, or similar mediums. It is a very common misconception that head lice fly and jump to transfer to infest other individuals. These are wingless tiny creatures that do not fly or jump. Also, once they are off the scalp, they cannot survive longer than 24 hours.
  • What’s the most effective treatment to get rid of lice?
Manual removal is one of the best and safest methods to get rid of lice. Other than that, it is important to clean your house to ensure your environment is also absolutely lice-free. Get a nit comb and try doing it yourself. It requires the proper tools and patience,if you want to treat the lice problem yourself. In case your trial was unsuccessful, or if you do not have the right tools and patience to do it by yourself, it is time to call in the professionals and let them help you with their expertise. If you are looking for effective lice treatment by professionals who ensure 100% lice-free headwith minimal disruption to your schedule and your family, call in the Lice Troopers. You can call them home for lice treatment and home cleaning services and can even visit their lice salonfor the professional lice removaltreatment. Visit the website for more details.