The moment you find out your child has head lice, you’re in a race against the clock to get the problem treated before it spreads throughout your household or to other children at school. Each day that lice go undetected or untreated is a day they’re laying new eggs and strengthening their numbers. Frantic parents run for the Internet, in search of the treatment that promises to eliminate the lice once and for all. And like all things on the Internet, you’ll find hundreds of ideas and “solutions” promising to take care of the lice problem. What works? What doesn’t? No parent wants to waste time and money on treatments that are ineffective and only keep the infestation going. Here’s a guide to help you get rid of lice: 1. Drugstore treatments. Products found in the drugstore aisle are filled with harsh, toxic pesticides. And sadly, most lice are resistant to them anyways. These shampoos and solutions expose your child to unnecessary chemicals and in the end are rarely effective in eradicating lice. 2. Home remedies. On the Internet you will find it all; from mayonnaise to olive oil to vinegar to essential oils. Proponents of such remedies claim that the high fat content of these pantry items will suffocate the lice. We wish. While they may slow the bugs down temporarily, lice are remarkably resilient and are undeterred by condiments. 3. Nit-picking. This approach is the oldest and the most effective. At Lice Troopers we know that the only way to remove ALL lice and nits is to patiently and meticulously comb them out. This treatment a pesticide free and when performed by a Lice Troopers expert technician, it is 100% effective, guaranteed. Using pesticide free lotions to soften the hair and make it easier to work with, our lice removal experts then comb through the hair, section by section, using state-of-the-art lice removal combs. Your child is lice free in about an hour. Don’t waste time and money on treatments that don’t work. Call Lice Troopers for the professional, one-time, pesticide free lice removal treatment that guarantees your family will be lice free. For more facts on lice, lice removal and lice solutions, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit the Lice Troopers website at: www.LiceTroopers.com or call 1-800-403-LICE. # # # About Lice Troopers Lice Troopers is the pesticide free, guaranteed Head Lice Removal Service™ that manually removes the head louse parasite safely and discreetly in our child-friendly salon setting or other chosen location. Providing safe solutions for frantic families, our team has successfully treated thousands of families nationwide. Our services are widely recommended by pediatricians and are reimbursed by many major health insurance carriers, flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts. We also provides a 100% treatment guarantee. Get lice free today with Lice Troopers. Contact: Jennie Harel, President info@licetroopers.com 800.403.5423