As kids head back to school this fall, parents are thinking about what the year ahead may hold. Homework, tests, birthday parties and athletic events come to mind. But parents are also thinking about some of the less positive realities of the coming school year, such as illnesses and the head lice that is passed so easily within classrooms. Is there any way to avoid it?

Parents do their part to keep their kids healthy so they can avoid illness, but what can be done about head lice? How can you stop head lice from invading your own household? Or is a case of lice just an unavoidable reality?

While lice can be hard to control and avoid, it is not impossible with a few simple tips and tricks. Take these steps to help minimize your child’s risk of head lice:

1. Keep long hair contained. Lice love to grab onto free flowing hair and work their way up to the scalp. If your child has long hair, a ponytail, bun or braids can help prevent lice from taking hold should your child come into contact with someone who has lice.

2. Garlic spray. Lice have been shown to hate the strong smell of garlic. By spraying hair with a solution of garlic and water before your child leaves for school, you can help to repel lice. Don’t worry, the odor fades quickly. The lice will still be able to smell it, but other people won’t.

3. Teach your kids about lice. Children don’t need to be afraid of lice, but awareness can help them to be more careful. Children and teens should be taught what lice are and how they spread.

4. Discourage sharing. This is a hard lesson to teach kids, especially after you’ve spent so much time teaching them to share. But lice pass quickly on any items that have contact with the hair such as hair brushes, head bands, hats, pillows, sleeping bags, high necked shirts and jackets. Help your child to understand that while sharing is a good thing, these personal items should be kept personal.

5. Stop the group selfies. This is especially challenging among teens who are endlessly snapping group selfie photos on their phones, with heads touching. Unfortunately this is an easy way to spread lice. Help your kids to understand the need to keep a little distance when taking photos.

While it is hard to prevent lice, there are simple things you can do to cut down the risk. Lice Troopers also minimizes the impact of head lice with a Lice Free Membership Plan. With just one low, annual membership fee, you ensure that Lice Troopers is on call for your family at the earliest hint of head lice. Members enjoy up to three screenings per year and if lice are discovered, treatment is FREE. Early detection is the key to keeping head lice under control. A quick screening can let you know if immediate treatment is required or if you’re in the clear.

For more facts on lice, lice removal and lice solutions, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit the Lice Troopers website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE.

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About Lice Troopers

Lice Troopers is the pesticide free, guaranteed Head Lice Removal Service™ that manually removes the head louse parasite safely and discreetly in our child-friendly salon setting or other chosen location. Providing safe solutions for frantic families, our team has successfully treated thousands of families nationwide. Our services are widely recommended by pediatricians and are reimbursed by many major health insurance carriers, flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts. We also provides a 100% treatment guarantee. Get lice free today with Lice Troopers.

Jennie Harel, President