Lice R Us: Problems Every Parent Has Faced But Hates to Talk About

There isn’t a parent who doesn’t think their little munchkin is the most adorable thing in the world. Kids are the light of our lives. They are the spark that keeps us going. They help make our otherwise mundane lives a little bit more fun, and a whole lot interesting. As parents, we want to do all that we can to protect our little monsters from danger and harm. Parenting can be challenging, especially when you’re not born with the ability to fluently speak Baby Language. But one thing about us parents is that we never want to admit we’re having problems. Not only do we want to look like we have everything under control (especially when our house is burning down), we want to believe we have everything under control! But despite this, there are many problems that parents face that they hate to admit. What they forget is the step to take when looking for solutions is that they should admit they have a problem! Here are a few problems faced by every parent on the planet (guaranteed) that they will never admit:

Changing Diapers

Of course, we have it under control, Aunt Martha. There’s nothing to worry about. We’re not screaming inside. The truth is, yes, we are. Not only are diapers difficult to understand at first, they can be well, a stinky situation to be in. Not knowing how to change a diaper is one of the things parents first struggle with. Don’t worry, after a while you become a pro!

Eating Baby Food

Have you ever tried baby food? Sure, you have. Don’t lie. Every parent has tried it at least once. And we are telling you, it’s delicious. The temptation is almost unbearable sometimes. You just want to scoop up some baby noms and put them into your mouth when your toddler is distracted.

Head Lice

Well, that escalated quickly. There’s nothing more annoying than dealing with nasty parasites in your child’s hair. Not only are they the bane of every parent’s existence, they love to come over uninvited. The worst part? Free loading without paying rent! Most people believe that head lice don’t nest in the hair of children under the age of 7 but the truth is, they do. Oh, do they! The only reason why most parents don’t know this is because they’re so good at camouflaging! Don’t let your child be a victim of head lice. Call us at 800-403-5423 today. At Lice Trooper, no lice or nit is safe from our lice specialists. We offer free head lice screening services, as well as in-home lice treatments for busy parents.

**We are open 7 days a week, from 8-9PM**