As a parent, you dread the news of a head lice outbreak, or the sight of your child scratching at her head and ears furiously. As contagious as these bugs can be, you know it might not be long before your entire household is crawling with lice. While good prevention methods are the best approach, you also need to know what to do if your child end up with an infestation, because honestly, no matter how hard you try to keep your home and your kids lice free, at some point the bugs often get the better of us. Follow these simple steps to deal with an infestation and to stop an epidemic before it starts. Confirm the Infestation An itchy scalp is not an automatic indicator of head lice. And, in reality, a child may have an infestation weeks before this symptom crops up. A professional screening can quickly and effectively confirm if your child actually has an infestation. Then you can take the proper steps for dealing with it. In some cases, if a screening was performed at the school, you may receive notice that your child has been affected. In that case, you may proceed to the next step. Isolate the Issue If you child has head lice, there is no time to waste. Every day that the parasites go untreated is a day they are multiplying and potentially spreading to others. Try to isolate your child and his or her belongings from your other children to prevent the condition spreading to the rest of your household. Most schools require that children with a confirmed case of head lice be kept home from school. Take Action The next step is treatment. Unfortunately these parasites don’t go away on their own—they need to be treated. While some parents will rush for the over-the-counter pesticide shampoos, or experiment with any variety of old wives’ tales, none of these treatments are guaranteed, or proven effective. In the end you can end up spending a lot of time, money and effort, and you’re still stuck with the bugs. Many of the over-the-counter remedies also carry harsh chemical side effects that put children at risk. What’s the better option for getting rid of these bugs? Rather than trying to eradicate the infestation on your own, call the professionals. Our trained lice experts are gentle, thorough and fast. No need to experiment with remedies or spend hours combing, hoping you got every one. With professional lice removal, your treatment is pesticide free and 100% guaranteed. Only one appointment is needed! In the amount of time it takes you to sit back and have a cup of coffee, the bugs can be eradicated. Almost like magic. Why would you try anything else? For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call or school consultation, please visit our website at: or call 1-800-403-LICE. Our Miami treatment center locations are here to serve you: Bay Harbor Lice Treatment Center, 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212, Bay Harbor Island, FL 33154 Coral Gables Lice Treatment Clinic, 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33154 Hollywood Treatment Center, 5735 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, FL 33021 (Coming soon!!)