It’s Gettin’ Colder – Head Lice Care In The Winters

While most insects disappear, or become less active in the winters, it seems that head lice play by different rules. You would think that being during the cooler times of year would be difficult for most critters to roam around, and it is, but head lice have human hair to keep them sheltered and toasty warm, so why not continue spreading?

Icy Weather, Lice-y Weather

If a lice infestation itself is not bad enough, there are increased chances of you getting head lice in the winters! We know that head lice can generally survive up to 48 hours outside human hair, generally grabbing on the fibers of clothing. From hats and scarves, to jackets and sweaters, various more items of clothing are available to lice when it gets cold. Worst of the matter, you do not even have to share someone else’s winter gear to get lice; the act of simply hanging your things alongside someone else’s—someone with head lice—is enough for the spread lice. Seeing that children often have shared or closely-knit hooks and cubbies in school for their belongings, they become more susceptible to lice infestations. According to the CDC, more than 6 million children in the U.S. alone get head lice infestations each year. And no surprise; the chances of encountering critters are so many for this age group. Other items of use head lice can transfer through include hair accessories, combs and hairbrushes, towels, bedding and pillows, and even stuffed animals. Then there is the most common cause of the spread of lice: head-to-head contact. Simply having your hair in close proximity with someone else’s lice-infested hair is a happy chance for the critters to make a new home in your head.

Operation: Lice-Free Winters

Luckily, head lice are never permanent. Just go about the right way for these two methods: prevention and treatment. Here’s what you can do to minimize the risk of lice infestation during winters:
  • Do not share jackets, scarves, hats and other wearable items with anyone else. Parents should advise their children to follow suit.
  • Hair accessories and tools should also be kept off-limits for sharing. Not only is it a way of preventing lice infestation, but a hygienic practice to adopt. 
  • Inspect your hair if you have been spending time with someone who has head lice. As for children, it’s wise for parents to check for head lice and nits frequently.
Next up: treatment. If you do get head lice, do not panic. Do not look for quick-fix methods in over-the-counter anti-lice chemicals—they do more harm to your hair and health that good, and often do not work completely. Consult a lice specialist. Lice Troopers has you covered in that area. We offer pesticide free lice removal services. Visit our lice clinic, or call us at 800-403-5423 for our in-home professional lice treatment. Wintery weather is for soups, hot coco, snow fights, and holiday cheer—not lice. Get a lice treatment as soon as possible! Happy winters!