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Preventing Head Lice: Tips for Parents & Teachers

Up to 12 million children are affected by head lice each year, according to statistics. This is a contagious condition, requiring intensive care and treatment to prevent an outbreak. Since children spend the majority of their time at either school or at

Preventing Head Lice: Tips for Parents & Teachers2019-07-16T23:30:00-05:00

The No-Nit Policy: All You Need To Know

The no-nit policy is a rule implemented in schools, according to which children who have lice or nits aren’t allowed to attend classes until they’ve fully eliminated head lice. While this varies from school to school, most educational institutions have adopted this

The No-Nit Policy: All You Need To Know2019-07-16T23:24:34-05:00

The Financial and Psychological Impact of Lice

Lice are a cosmetic inconvenience for most people. As such, not a lot of people think about the financial and psychological repercussions of lice, until they or their children get them. According to multiple sources, parents spend upwards of $400 on

The Financial and Psychological Impact of Lice2019-07-16T22:42:21-05:00

The “No Notification” Policy: Concerns and Risks

This is the last straw! It’s bad enough that you had to deal with your child’s lice problem last year. This year around, you thought you were prepared. But lo and behold! There’s a louse, strutting proudly among your child’s strands

The “No Notification” Policy: Concerns and Risks2019-07-16T22:35:33-05:00

Braving the Summer Heat and the Lice That Come With It

You thought you’re the only one who loves summer break, just taking time off school and work and kicking back to have a good time? Think again! You’re not alone. Lice love the summer months as much as you, but for

Braving the Summer Heat and the Lice That Come With It2019-07-15T04:15:51-05:00


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