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Home Remedies For Hair Lice: Do They Work?

Lice infestations are more common than you’d think. Your child comes back from a sleepover, and the next thing you know, they’re scratching their scalp like their life depends on it. Head lice are a nuisance; there’s no question about it.

Home Remedies For Hair Lice: Do They Work?2019-08-06T05:31:56-05:00

Common Misconceptions About Contracting Lice

It’s estimated that around 6 to 12 million lice infestations occur annually. These statistics are enough to send parents all over the world into a tizzy. Although lice aren’t a source of serious physical harm, they cause emotional and mental distress.

Common Misconceptions About Contracting Lice2019-08-06T05:28:03-05:00

Hair We Go Again: How To Prevent Lice From Coming Back

If there's one thing that's true about lice, it's that these pesky little creatures keep coming back. Just because you made it through one bout of a lice outbreak doesn't mean you're immune to them in the future. If anything, there's

Hair We Go Again: How To Prevent Lice From Coming Back2019-08-05T11:04:21-05:00


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